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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the passion of a great child portrait

The Passion Of A Great Child PortraitWriten by Martin Hurley

From a little spark, may burst a mighty flame.
Italian Poet Dante (1265-1351)

Inspired to create your own child portrait? It's very possible, with a little enthusiasm
and creativity, to create something very special. Children hold such wonderful
qualities, a simple innocence and a profound simplicity, beauty and awe about

Children are, in touch with, and in tune with, what it is to be a part of this world.
With a refined sensitivity, they really are everything to us all.

And you too, can nurture these qualities in your own life... use a camera and take
pictures with the same gentleness, with the same inspirational-playing-field as

Yet in creating a child portrait a certain approach is needed. I suggest coming at it
from a fun perspective. Have fun, be playful. That's how you'll reach children.

You've got to go to where they are, meet with them at their level. And generally
speaking, they hover in fun mode...

You're aiming for the essence of what they are all about. You want to cherish that
unique spark of brightness in a child's life.

Like I mentioned, children are at a level of refined sensitivity and openness. and I
think we need to be open to that, to be conscious of that, to be able to sit down and
capture something great with child photography.

Even if that means giving them the camera for a while, or rigging up a camera so
that they can shoot their own child (self) portrait!

The more passionate you are about getting a good child portrait, then you won't
mind waiting for the time when everything comes together. It can take time.

There's certain moments when you'll know things look right, and the light is gentle,
and the colors are in harmony. Be ready for that.

And of course you can encourage it by setting up a room, a party, children's time
with friends, activities or excursions when the day is motivating you to get out and
go somewhere.

Getting a good child portrait is not that difficult. Look for the right moments and be
prepared for it. Child activity happens fast. That means you've got to act fast. Wait
long time, but act fast. (You'll need to hurry up and wait!)

Carrying the tools of trade (camera) is going to create some action, responses and performance. So make it into a performance piece.

It'll be up to you what you want to achieve. But for me, I strive for a natural feel.
Often playful in front of a camera, we all spring back to normal-doing-stuff mode.
It's then that you can potentially get more natural pictures.

What you want to achieve with your child portrait? You might want to stand way
back, relax and shoot with long lens and focus in as the children play. Or go in close
with wide angle and get action shots. Technically it's your call.

My preference is to see what happens. But first and foremost I focus on the fun
factor. That's because I'm just a big kid and I want to play too.

The purpose of our lives is to add value to the people of this generation and
those that follow. Buckminster Fuller

Keep it fun. Keep it uplifting, hilarious, non-serious. You're after moments. The
moments are the precious stuff. Stuff that feels right, is right. Let everything relax
and take your time. It's easy!

Let me know how you go with it. :-)

Copyright 2006 Martin Hurley

Martin Hurley is a motivational dude, artist, photographer
and netrepreneur who enthuses creativity, marketing and
life knowledge. Get your unique down to earth approach to
life success by visiting:
Or his blog:


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