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Friday, December 26, 2008

beautiful photographs and meaningful portraits on location in southern california

Beautiful Photographs and Meaningful Portraits On Location in Southern CaliforniaWriten by Scott Campbell

Tired of the same old studio portrait photographs with the same lighting, same background, same, same, same? Find a photographer that will go on-location, get out, go play, make it a day of fun somewhere that you love!

Taking pictures on-location isnt a new concept. However professional, on-location still photography is usually reserved for fashion or magazine lifestyle pictures. Why is that?

Well for one, its much easier for the photographer to stay in the studio and spend an hour or so with each client. Take their pictures and move to the next customer. Also, its much easier for clients to just go into a studio for their annual family pictures and then head out on their daily routine. Yet pictures of this nature typically only capture a well lit, relatively uninteresting and dispassionate image of the customer.

Imagine however if you were to be able to go to your favorite spot, someplace you have a passion for and have your portraits taken? Wouldnt you be more likely to enjoy the experience? Wouldnt the photographs show you and others who you were at this time in your life? This type of photography is called On-Location Portraiture.

On-Location Portraiture is the Art of taking beautiful, meaningful, unique photographic images of people, families, friends, lovers, in a visually unique & personally meaningful setting. This style of photography is really a fun family friendly experience. Additionally people find it to be very spiritual, intimate and romantic. The resulting images and memories are unique because each location and each trip is a unique adventure. Generally you will find that you will receive:

- Images as art that tell a story about them.

- An exciting and fun experience to remember.

- Photographic memories that have real meaning beyond simply a beautiful picture.

Does this sound fun or what? So how do you get started?

The first thing to do is find a photographer that offers this kind of service, such as Scott Campbell, a Palm Springs Photographer. Once youve found someone willing to do this type of photography, interview them. You are going to spend a good part of a day with them so you better make sure you like them. Additionally, your pictures are guaranteed to turn out better if you like the photographer.

Another key aspect about your photographer is their ability to use natural light in their photographs. Natural light is perhaps the hardest and yet most rewarding lighting a photographer can work with. Used correctly, and the photographs will inspire emotions and feelings in the viewer that are nearly impossible to recreate with a studio lit photograph. Or used incorrectly and you will end up with a snapshot. Ask the photographer to see their portfolio or gallery of On-Location Photographs.

The next thing to do is choose a place, weather, time or all three. This may be a bit trickier. Everyone has their personal favorite place that holds deep meaning for them. Often these places are beaches, mountains, the desert or even a time of year or a type of weather. Usually these places bring out a passion and a certain beauty in a person that is unique to their experience in that location. There in lies the magic of On-Location Portrait Photography.

To find such a place you may need to spend some time thinking about what inspires you as a person, family, couple etc. Do you love to go beach combing together? Does riding a horse make you feel free? Does the city inspire you? Or maybe the deep blue sky at 7000 feet is your inspiration. These are the things you need to think about before choosing a location. If a place eludes you, yet you know the feeling you want to capture, use your photographers knowledge of their location surroundings.
For example, Southern California and the Palm Springs area specifically contain some of the most stunning natural areas in the world. Ranging from the surreal windmills along I-10, the 8000 foot peaks surrounding the desert, the majesty of Joshua Tree and Santa Rosa National Monuments, the dunes of Kelso, the Pacific Beaches to the desolation of the Salton Sea, Southern California has plenty to choose from.

Once you have your photographer and your location, plan the date. If you would like to have your make-up done professionally, schedule an early morning appointment at a make-up counter or a salon. If the location requires permits now is the time to get them, not the day before. Got maps? Dont get lost.

The time of day is absolutely critical to the quality of light available to you at your location. Typically the best light is either early morning or late afternoon/evening. Make sure your photographer knows the location you have chosen and knows the light at different times of day. Work with them to plan the timing to capture the best light time possible.

The day before your photography session eat well and get good sleep. Being tired and hungry on a long hike definitely shows up in pictures.

On the day of make sure you and your photographer are well prepared for the elements of your location. Bring water, some extra food, extra clothing and any portable beauty items you may need.

Make it a great fun day and youll come back with some amazing pictures to mark this time in your life.

For more information about On-Location Portraiture in Southern California contact the author, Scott Campbell

Scott Campbell is a published, exhibited, award winning, professional photographer based in the Palm Springs area. He has a fine arts degree, 15 years creative experience and specializes in digital wedding photography, fashion, location portraits and fine art photography.


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