Fire Phone & Accessories

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

get some great shots of your cat

Get Some Great Shots of Your CatWriten by Eric Hartwell

The domestic cat must be one of the most photographed animals. Who hasnt taken a picture at some time of the family puss? At first it is simply to try out the new camera but as time goes on getting a cat in every position seems almost like an obsession! But who, apart from you and your nearest, wants to see the umpteenth picture of the house moggie even if it is in a slightly different pose?

Now is the time to improvise and innovate! The family cat (or dog for that matter) can be a source of some great shots (and yes, you can still take and keep the usual pretty pictures as well).

Next time you want to take some decent images of your cat, think of the following:

-the cat hiding behind something, ready to pounce

-an action shot, the cat going scatty or engaged in an activity

-a close up get in real close, use macro or close up lenses (and a reflector)

-a studio shot keep the background plain and contrasting

-employ a human to be part of the shot the cat walking around stockinged feet or boots

-get a prop a chair, bed, shelf, bench

-focus on detail fur, eyes, teeth

-combine the cat with something appropriate but unusual a gigantic ball of wool or a large fluffy mouse

-cats and babies are really cute!

-get the cat to sit with an unusual, contrasting, object on a cycle, with some fruit, in the bath

I am sure you can think of more. Take lots of images so that you get one that looks the part.

Cats are willing participants and readily available. And you dont need to go outside!

Eric Hartwell runs the photography resource site and the associated discussion forums as well as the regular weblog at


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