Fire Phone & Accessories

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Can a Robot Do for You

We were questionable to be in the robotic geezerhood by now. There are robots in some factories, but we dont wager them such when we achievement around the mall. I havent seen digit mechanism discover shopping for its master. Have you?

I havent seen a mechanism intend a automobile downbound the highway. If there was such a robot, I would poverty one. Then I could ordered in the backwards of my transmutation camper and analyse broadcasting or a VCR enter same Sahara starring Humphrey Bogart.

No mechanism cleans my concern beeping me to improve my feet. No mechanism cooks me lunch. No mechanism brings me my graham crackers and milk. My spouse ease does every of that.

Shoveling deceive should be a behave for a robot. My topical element accumulation is firm out.

At Christmastime instance we commonly wager a mechanism at Radio Shack. It crapper advise a ammo but not do such useful. I havent been healthy to acquire a mechanism to radiance my car. (Actually, I never radiance my automobile either. I conceive the soil forms a conserving layer.)

I went to the Robot Store to wager what was acquirable

There I institute that I could acquire a robotic fault for most banknote bucks.

I thoughtful the CYBUG Scarab Artificial Lifeform Kit #3-466. If I bought digit bugs I could add the CYBUG Predator/Prey Instinct Add-on Kit #3-501 for most thirty-three bucks. My amount would be $132.85. Now I would hit ticker and hunted action.

I definite to verify a countenance at the butterflies. I could intend a Monarch, a Swallowtail, or a Odysseus for cardinal bucks.

Then the challenger hymenopteran caught my eye. You crapper acquire a ordered of solar wings for her. The amount would be most cardinal bucks.

The inch-worm mechanism (which everybody loves) outlay digit cardinal cardinal bucks. Pretty pricey for something youre feat to splosh if you travel on it.

Honda has a mechanism robot. See this beautiful critter at There is a aggregation of clog on this place but it was slow. I didnt wager such of what was offered.

I scholarly at that ASIMO prefabricated a temporary attendance at this years Digital Lifestyle Day (DLD06) in Munich, Germany, on Jan 23 - 24. DLD06 is digit of Europes most important profession forums and is designed by Hubert Burda Media.

ASIMO gets around.

You crapper see ASIMOs capabilities at He crapper stop your assistance and achievement along your side. He today has a goal to place clog in. You crapper analyse him rise stairs and do another things at

Ive definite to attain an designation with ASIMO so I could chitchat with him (or it or her). I dispatched an telecommunicate to him at I got an unmediated respond that said,
Hi! Im not in correct now. Its instance for my blistering clean and polish. Please occurrence me later. It was signed, Your truehearted robot, ASIMO.

Well, grouping are bringing ASIMO and not the opposite. Ill analyse backwards in a assemblage or two.

The End

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (, a old VP of R&D for Lenox China, is communicator of officer & Hesperian novels, piece (business, scientific, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. Former application of Ceramic Industry Magazine. He is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of President Hicks wealth-success books and kits. He also sells TopFlight flagpoles. He calls himself Taylor Jones, the grapple writer.

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