Fire Phone & Accessories

Sunday, February 28, 2010

bike shop sales training

Bike Shop Sales TrainingWriten by Lance Winslow

Most bike shop sales people are there because they love bicycles and this indeed helps them answer all the questions that a rider might have and yet this is not the only thing that a bicycle shop sales person needs. You see, they also need good sales training and they need to listen and help the rider or shopper understand why things cost so much, the differences between types and which bike might be best for them.

Giving a cyclist too many choices could lead to a NO Sale and the rider leaves to go shopping, perhaps never to return and that means lost sales. To prevent this they will need training and good training too. Not only sales training but they need to be in training too, cyclist training.

Why you ask? Well selling bicycles is not like selling ride on lawn mowers. Bicycles are much quieter and go a heck of a lot faster too. The experienced cyclist with knowledge is needed in the bike shops of America, because the bike shops are losing sales due to the lack of abilities and sales training of their floor sales folks.

Recently, I over heard a lady asking questions about a certain bike. The guy was very knowledgeable but he did not listen. Later that week I went to another bike shop in town and saw the lady picking up a new bike, which she had bought the day before and she bought all the extras including a GPS, she spent about $2,200 and that is money the first bike shop lost.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;


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