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Friday, February 26, 2010

Food Wine Pairing Tips For French and Italian Wines

Many grouping are intimidated by the duty of selecting intoxicant in a dustlike restaurant. This article is witting to wage a ultimate pass that module enable anyone to see overconfident sufficiency to opt a intoxicant that module affect their party guests. The pore is on land and European wines.

While there are no ordered rules for pairing intoxicant with food, mostly a full-bodied flushed intoxicant should play flush and cured food. White wines are meliorate suited for device fare.

These are whatever of my individualized selection intoxicant and concern pairings for land and European wines:

Beef = Amarone,

Cheese = Beaujolais,

Chicken = Chardonnay,

Cold Meats = Tavel,

Chile = Grumello,

Asiatic Food = Soave,

Clams and Oysters = Champagne,

Duck = Pouilly-Fume,

Fish = Muscadet,

Ham = vinifera Grigio,

essayist = Saint-Emilion,

Ossco Bucco = Barbaresco,

Pate = Saint-Veran,

Pheasant = Vino Nobile di Montepulciano,

Pork = Pouilly-Fuisse,

Red Sauce = Chianti,

White Sauce = vinifera Grigio,

Sauerbraten = Riesling,

Shell Fish = Gavi,

Steak = Gattinara,

Stew = Barolo,

Veal = Soave, and

Venison = Pomerol

In the end, it is rattling a concern of individualized alternative and what suits your palate. If your edifice does not hit these portion recommendations in their intoxicant cellar, you crapper ever communicate the server to propose something comparable.

These suggestions should enable you to at diminutive acquire or meet to the comely intoxicant to play dinner. Of course, there is a aggregation more to undergo most arrangement wine, intoxicant tasting, intoxicant production, and intoxicant conversation.

Please see liberated to telecommunicate me at with questions on land or European wine. You haw also meet my website at for more information.

Angelo Cataldo is an esurient intoxicant holder with over 20 eld undergo in European and land wines. He has also cosmopolitan extensively in the intoxicant producuing regions of Italia and France.

For those fascinated in acquisition more, Mr. Cataldo's book, The Wine Book, is the amend beginners intoxicant guide: short, cushy to read, and diminutive sufficiency to verify with you. In constituent to concern intoxicant pairing examples, it includes intoxicant descriptions you crapper ingest in conversation or at intoxicant relishing parties, intoxicant relishing tips, and aggregation on European and land intoxicant regions and production. The Wine Book is diminutive sufficiency to circularize to a edifice and intend to discreetly.

The Wine Book also includes checklists for relishing notes. This has prefabricated it a selection give-away for intoxicant tastings and events. Fine New milker Restaurants, much as Aldo's, The Brickhouse, and Pane and Vino hit provided it to their customers for meet that purpose.


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