Fire Phone & Accessories

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

keep your motorcycle secure with a bike alarm

Keep Your Motorcycle Secure With A Bike AlarmWriten by Dewey Houston

You've got a good chunk of money invested in your motorcycle and keeping your machine secure and safe is very important to you. There are several things you can do and adding a bike alarm is one of those things.

Motorcycle lovers have proven to love their bikes more than the average car owner investing quite a bit more money on them, especially in customizing them.

Each year more than 50,000 motorcycles are stolen. That's astounding and each year the numbers continue to grow which is of great concern. And what's really sad is that probably 75% of these thefts could have been prevented.

1. Think Smart

Common sense can go along way towards keeping your bike safe. Never leave the keys in the ignition if you aren't on the bike. Don't ever leave your bike in a way that would encourage someone to try to steel it.

2. Light It Up

Always park your bike in a place that is well lit and exposed to activity by people passing by. Never park it in a dark area such as an alley as it makes a great target then. Try to park in parking spots designated for motorcycles as they are commonly towards the front of the parking lot.

3. Bike Lock

A bike lock is a great way to ensure your bike stays right where you put it. By securely locking your bike chances are it will be bypassed for a simpler target.

There are several different styles of bike locks available each with a purpose so you will want to do some research to ensure you get the best style locks for your bike.

4. Bike Alarm

Your bike should have an immobilizer so that a theft can be stopped before it occurs. With an immobilizer it isn't worth your thieves' time to try and steal it. It's great for you.

Your bike alarm should also make plenty of noise. This will attract attention and scare off the thief before more damage can be done.

5. Two Way Paging

Many of the newest alarms offer two way paging which lets you not only become notified if there is a threat or problem, but also lets you control the alarm.

6. GPS

Tracking systems are a great way to keep tabs on your bike and they offer global coverage. They do however have a monthly fee attached to them.

7. Accessory Locks

Don't forget to also lock your accessories. This means your saddle bags, helmets, and chain, or any other potential target.

8. Alarm Warnings

Place alarm stickers on your bike letting others know that you have your alarm on your bike. Make sure they can easily be seen so that they can serve as a deterrent.

Layering your motorcycle security will increase your ability to keep your bike safe. Start with the bike alarm and incorporate these great ideas to make sure your bike stays right where it is suppose to be.

Dewey worked for a security company as an alarm technician for more than 5 years. He has experience with both the installation of alarm systems for homes or for automobiles. At , he provides a free technical chart on the pros and cons and the most popular alarm systems that are available on the market such as retail alarm systems.


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