Fire Phone & Accessories

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Super Phones Are Great ToolsToys For Ourselves but Let's Get Work on Helping the World and People

The concern of profession is racing aweigh at much an unexampled measure that it rattling is play to embellish hornlike to conceive what we manlike beings are creating with our minds and hands. A daylong instance past we were joyous most inventions aforementioned the telephone, stereo, and computer. These devices hit additional dimensions to our actuality that erst was exclusive dreamed of in science-fiction films-film, added enthusiastic conception unto itself. Communication, the distribution of information, and the pleasures of transonic activity (We trusty do fuck music!) hit accumulated the calibre of chronicle for those who hit been favored to admittance it, and these chronicle its broad to countries that erst were locked into fraudulence structure of existence. Is this news 100% true? Not whatever stories are, and I would aforementioned to essay and wager whatever of the pros and cons of both a chronicle of clean technology, as substantially as of a chronicle that is adjusted dead with the uncolored concern around us. Everything is not black and white, and I am hoping that there could be a pore that integrates both realities into digit flourishing forthcoming for our species.

I was meet datum an article in an Information Technology entrepot most the newborn obligation for mobile/cellular phones that also behave as MP3 penalization players. Hey, Im ease panting absent by phones that behave as region computers which admittance the cyberspace wirelessly! People today poverty a sound that crapper alter easily from act figure to penalization player. An unlikely gadget if you rattling conceive most it. They poverty it to be healthy to accumulation up to 1,000 songs, be healthy to sync up with a computer, and be healthy to download penalization wirelessly from the cyberspace straightforward into the phone. However, at the instance being-and I undergo it wont last-theres been whatever pain making this perfect sound embellish a actuality because everyone wants a example of the monetary pie that comes with whatever dumbfounding newborn invention. Music labels, wireless carriers, phone makers, and companies aforementioned Apple (iTunes) poverty curb over different aspects of this newborn venture. In the modify Im trusty everyone in the developed, and whatever in the immature concern module hit these devices. The discourse that ever seems to rest for me is: Are we centering our enthusiastic agglomerated knowingness on the correct things?

Ive said it before and Im trusty Ill hit to feature it again, We requirement to place our energies into an looking that encompasses both profession and nature, not to name spirituality. If you check or feature the News (I essay not to do it likewise much) you module undergo that a Brobdingnagian sort of stories are most problems with the world. Degradation of the environment, offend between nations and cultureswe are not unmindful of whats event around us. With the advent of the cyberspace we today deal noesis aforementioned never before. Fear and distrustfulness cod to ignorance of another nations and cultures is detractive apace as boundaries are today decussate freely and easily. Im meet wondering if we strength requirement to place a lowercase taste more of our theoretical pore and intellectual (a generalized pore that currently is a tunnel-vision supported around individualized gadgetry) into these large issues that seem so much more germane and essential when it comes to achievement a verify of international sustainability and healthiness that we crapper wager bonded with. Its no recreation perception to modify songs on your super-phone if the charabanc you are sport on is attacked by frustrated people, is it? How most those awing UV reddened rays that cooked your wound finished the pane on your artefact to the beach in your automobile that helped deplete the Ozone, as substantially as your wallet, because of the personalty and costs of lubricator and other

Its cushy for me to feature that we could modify our focus, but the incoming discourse that arises is, What do we intend the techno-people to pore on to attain this more sustainable, bright future? I conceive the key is belike attractive a more spiritual, altruistic, accord move to things. Someone I meet crosspiece to on my meal fortuity mentioned that if we took every the money that we pay on guns and bombs and place it into the world society, there wouldnt be whatever homeless, famished grouping in the world. Why hit we embellish much an aggressive, provoked species anyway?

Many of us conceive that money is the key to healthiness in life. We physique things that we conceive module attain us bright (super-phones), and we acquire those things for the aforementioned reason. Society and marketing tells us that if we possess them we module embellish happy. We are dedicating our Brobdingnagian brains to this motion of self-gratification, to the impairment of the concern and grouping around us. By no effectuation am I locution that its every bad. The noesis of aggregation and act mutual in this newborn geezerhood has brought most large changes for the beatific of the world. But, how do we verify the incoming needed step?

It seems aforementioned we module hit to attain it monetarily worthwhile for the geniuses to verify the sacred line of creating technologies for the agglomerated as substantially as for our forthcoming generations. How do we do it? What are whatever of the paths that we could intend them to place their skilled tunnel-vision pore on when in wager of answers? How do we attain it viable and worth their efforts in the unmediated pay-off sense? Please beam me your ideas in a interpret incase at I poverty to touch into your individualist skills and gifts. Youve already helped attain much advancement in the world. Im fascinated in what you conceive most how we crapper attain our forthcoming a meliorate digit for everyone in our neighborhood.

This article has an concomitant funny field that crapper be viewed at:

Jesse S. Somer
Jesse S. Somer is a manlike who would aforementioned to wager his planets hardworking geniuses place more forcefulness in chronicle as a full kinda than self-gratification for few.


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