Fire Phone & Accessories

Monday, February 9, 2009

dont forget to finish your photographic projects

Don't Forget to Finish Your Photographic ProjectsWriten by Eric Hartwell

Sometimes it can be hard to get going with your photography and it can take an age before your images are created in the camera. But sometimes, just sometimes, although it is possible to get started, it takes an age to get actually finished.

Have you ever taken the trouble to capture what you believe to be a great image only to let it lie on the memory card for ages? Or perhaps you have uploaded images to your computer without taking the time or trouble to review them. Or what about the case where you have uploaded, reviewed, edited and contemplated but not printed?

We all have these blocks and most of the time dont worry about them. Perhaps we are liable to just forget about the latest project or are too lazy to be bothered to complete a task.

Well, you may not be too concerned, and I truly believe that you should never get stressed about your photography, but consider your actions.

If you have gone to the trouble of capturing an image, surely you owe it to yourself to upload and deal with them rather than leaving them lie fallow? And, how many images are awaiting treatment that are really rather good or, in some cases, downright brilliant?

If you take your hobby seriously, you should consider dealing with all your images even if it is just to edit or remove them. Much of your work will have personal attributes and remind you of a day, a place, a person. With luck and good judgement, many of your images will be suitable for sharing either with family or friends or perhaps in online galleries, forums or competitions.

Images: if you take them, use them!

Eric Hartwell runs the photography resource site and the associated discussion forums as well as the regular weblog at


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