Fire Phone & Accessories

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

creativity using a compact

Creativity Using a CompactWriten by Eric Hartwell

Its hard to believe but compact cameras can actually aid your photographic skills. I know that there will be plenty of prosumer and especially SLR users that will scoff at the idea, but I believe it to be true.

How could this possible be right? After all, compact cameras are small, lack flexibility and have that dreadful shutter lag which means that the camera will wait a few moments from the time you press the shutter till it takes the picture.

But, none of these are disadvantageous to your development in photography and can, in fact, aid your creativity.


Consider the shutter lag problem. You see a picture you want and press the shutter button only to find that in the time the camera takes to fire the subject has moved. That special expression has been lost.

The problem is that you have suddenly rushed into taking a shot. The same happens with SLR users.

The issue here is anticipation. If you are in a situation where a decent image might be forthcoming (and being around children is always a good option) then try to look at the scene and anticipate the next image. In this way you can be holding your camera and have the shutter button pressed half way, ready and waiting.

Now you are into creative mode. You are now poised and waiting for the right moment, rather than having the right moment thrust upon you. It is creativity like this that makes a good photographer not the equipment he has.

Eric Hartwell runs the photography resource site and the associated discussion forums as well as the regular weblog at


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