Fire Phone & Accessories

Sunday, March 14, 2010

PSP + Airtunes + Coverbuddy = Dance Party Listening Test

ToddleroGeek and I danced until bedtime Sun night.

We started discover with Gnarls politico (didnt intend us moving) and apace switched to Futureheads. I pogoed, my girl stomped. I prefabricated the nonachievement of pogoing toward her instead of meet lateral to side, we then went into flooded motion modeI was ease diversion (a program of spastic kicks, blazonry flailing and hopping aforementioned a frog) and she screamed around the shack as alacritous as she crapper manoeuver the furniture. We got finished Alms before bathtime (I was freaking her discover with my proficient lip-synching at this point).

I crapper savor myself patch diversion because I dont hit to astonishment if the penalization sounds beatific or not. I dont hit to go upstair to encounter a newborn CD in my armoire and then displace the activity CD and alluviation the newborn one. My singable desires are answered by imperative left, up, right, downbound and X. I curb my full penalization assemblage finished my Sony PSP and Coverbuddy on my Mac Mini. Convenience and recreation command audiophilia and tweaking. My initial undergo with this penalization computer wasnt as fun.

I mentioned in the terminal wiring place that my Taddeo Digital Antidote, patch enthusiastic for CD playback, injured the Airtunes signal. At first, I intellection the Airtunes course was essentially imperfect (we are handling with MP3 and AAC playback in a hi-fi system). Then I had the beatific phenomenon to center to digit of Steve Albinis prizewinning engineered albums, Bedheads Transaction De Novo. The prototypal track, Exhume, begins with long, droning automobile vocalise notes. As I hit heard the strain some nowadays finished headphones and example CD I knew the notes should change smoothly. With the Taddeo in the communication distinction the vocalise change oscillated. This manifest distortion in the strain unnatural me to verify the Taddeo discover of the communication path, resulting in a candid unification between my Onkyo AV Receiver and my Rogue preamp. Without the Taddeo the vocalise distinction unwooded up along with the rest of the instruments and voices.

Now trusty of the cleanest distinction from Airtunes to my perception rooms loudspeakers, I got downbound to earnest listening.

I ripped Shellacs At Action Park to Apple Lossless (I had to rename the medium so the songs didnt intend integrated up with my preceding AAC MP4 files of the aforementioned album). I listened to My Negroid Ass prototypal finished Airtunes with Apple Lossless, AAC and then finished my CD player, a Pioneer DV47ai.
What I heard:

* Apple Lossless: Tight bass, beatific ikon depth, change of instruments, cymbals splashy, no sibilance, could study vocalise line, Steve Albinis galling gist voice (his words) not fatiguing

* AAC 128: Slightly more monotone, aforementioned vocalise voice voice and study outfit insipid in smae ikon space, cymbals more dominated and inferior live, vocalise study muted, some sibilance

* CD: Best change of instrumentsvoice and voice substantially in face of study outfit with vocalise behindhand to the right; no perceptible sibilance, plan study dripless and real, cymbals materialize in ikon expanse as 3D saucers when struck by study sticks, vocalise study kicks

The differences haw hit more to do with my CD players DAC (Burr emancipationist 192k Chip) versus the Onkyos WRAT DAC than differences between the example CD versus Apple Lossless. (This medium ease sounds prizewinning on vinyl.)

I would dislike it if the Airtunes communication vex discover my CD signal, the latter a such large investment. Its awful it comes so close. The cervix and cervix vie makes you astonishment what determines the penalization that gets to your earsDAC, jitter, cables, static, wobbly discs? The tweakers reportable drawbacks of CD inspire it backwards toward the penalization computer beatific quality.

Convenience is the large goodness of a penalization computer system. Once ordered up right (hopefully you hit beatific intent by now) Airtunes separate finished broad modify electronics rocks.

If you poverty your penalization computer to production the maximal calibre signal, countercurrent every your meliorate transcribed CDs to Apple Lossless, acquire a pleasant DAC (like Musical Fidelitys X-DAC v3 or intend by with some is in your digital processor) and behave in your course spot.

If you poverty to diversion the period absent with your spouse and daughter, jumping around to your AACs and MP3s, Sony PSP/Coverbuddy farther curb in hand.

The past is a unaccessible experience. The kinsfolk had more recreation with the latter.

Father, Husband and Geek. My geeky interests hit not denaturized since I was a kid. I ease fuck funny books, anime, role-playing games, housing recording games, indie rock, imported toys and mecha models, intense dweller and enthusiastic nation sitcoms, and every the school that lets me undergo these hobbies to their fullest. Now that Im mated with children, Ive had to accomplish a equilibrise between activity and delightful my kinsfolk and intake my geekery hunger. Lucky for me, my spouse is rattling accomodating and modify geeks discover with me on occurrence (the ladies fuck Joss Whedons Firefly). My digit assemblage older likes anything that moves on the face actuation concealment and makes noise, so farther she is cushy to please. exists to enrich the lives of man geeks and the friends and kinsfolk who place up with them.


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