Fire Phone & Accessories

Thursday, August 6, 2009

increasing testosterone through exercise

Increasing Testosterone Through ExerciseWriten by Dan Ho

Increasing testosterone through exercise is one of the best ways to naturally increase levels of this hormone.

However, there are some cautions you need to be aware of.

That's because some ways of working out can actually lower your testosterone levels!

For example, if you exercise for too long you can actually hurt your testosterone levels.

Testosterone levels after a leg workout can be lower than after other exercises in certain circumstances.

Studies conducted on endurance athletes who exercise for long stretches of time at once were shown to have testosterone levels up to 85% lower than people who do not perform endurance exercises.

A typical example of an endurance athlete would be a long distance runner.

On the other hand, weight lifting -- which tends to be short in duration and high intensity -- can be effective in boosting HGH (human growth hormone) levels and testosterone.

Short in duration can mean anything from a few minutes up to an hour. But if you are interested in increasing testosterone levels, you should not exercise for more than an hour or it can become counterproductive.

It is believed in some circles that testosterone levels after a leg workout will be especially low, but there is no evidence supporting this.

Indeed, one great way to increase human growth hormone and keep testosterone levels peaked is to do leg workouts that are high intensity and very brief.

A great example would be sprinting. Sprinting full out cannot be done for long periods of time -- usually no more than 5 minutes at a time -- because it is so intensive.

If you are a weight lifter and are interested in increasing testosterone through exercise just make sure you keep an eye on the clock and don't workout for more than an hour at a stretch.

Don't be one of those gym rats who chats it up and spends 2 hours in the gym like it's social time.

People who do endurance based exercises may want to consider supplementing with a testosterone booster to counter the effects of their workouts.

Studies of Bulgarian Olympic athletes, whose work-outs are considerably more than one hour showed that testosterone levels increased by as much as 40% in those athletes using an herb called tribulus terrestris.

In conclusion, if increasing testosterone through exercise is your goal make sure you do the rights kinds of exercise.

Learn how to increase your testosterone at


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