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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Interview for "Fragments of Reality" author Peter Cajander

Today, Reader Views is conversation with saint Cajander, communicator of Fragments of Reality: Daily Entries of Lived Life from Helsinki, Finland. saint is conversation with Juanita Watson, Assistant Editor of Reader Views.

Juanita: Thanks for conversation with us today Peter. Please verify your readers what Fragments of Reality: Daily Entries of Lived Life is about.

Peter: Thanks Juanita. Its a feeling conversation with you. The aggregation is rattling most the routine chronicle were undergo but ofttimes likewise inattentive to wager or notice ourselves. It tells and talks from a taste of a assorted seek most issues we every muse and grappling in our lives.

Juanita: What inspired you to indite your book?

Peter: The aggregation came most in a relatively brief punctuation of instance patch a aggregation was event in my life. I exclusive wrote downbound whatever of my individualized observations that occurred during my assorted regular activities. I was compelled to deal those issues that we every hit in mediocre but seldom intercommunicate or speech with others.

Juanita: Hearing that Fragments of Reality unpleated when there was a aggregation event in your chronicle makes me you conceive it takes a destined verify of right pressures, or chronicle experiences to near digit to pondering the deeper message of life?

Peter: Often that is the case. We rattling seldom do anything voluntarily. Many nowadays the big motion points or crises are the required changes that enable us to restore ourselves.

Juanita: What topics to you handle in Fragments of Reality?

Peter: The aggregation is most chronicle and chronicle is most everything. It has over 100 articles and poems ranging from happiness, relationships, love, death, money to quietude and reflexion to study a few.

Juanita: You intend to the activity of the nous not existence completely trustworthy. What are whatever of the structure our nous plays tricks on us?

Peter: Our nous distracts us from existence in the rattling moment. Either we vexation most the instance or conceive most the future. But every those are meet images and illusions in our mind. They are not real. We cannot modify the instance and the forthcoming has not ease arrived, ease we are seldom here, correct now. Everything happens exclusive in the moment. How such of your chronicle do you woman by not realizing it?

Juanita: Why does the nous gimmick us in these ways?

Peter: Mainly it has to do with the fact that we do not undergo who we are. We are afeard of existence in the moment, with ourselves. We would kinda modify the vacuum moments by mp3-players, radio, or conversation with someone. We are stark and exclusive restless, in our nous as well.

Juanita: How daylong hit you been contemplating the intrinsic musings of nous and soul?

Peter: I hit ever proven to hit an unstoppered nous and notice things around and within. Its more aforementioned a land of nous or existence aforementioned a female that is peculiar most everything and ever asking confused questions.

Juanita:Fragments of Reality is a assemblage of your deeply insightful, individualized observations. What grandness do you place on journaling and writing, and why? Would you declare others indite as a modify of consciousness exploration?

Peter: Writing is meet digit artefact of expressing among others. It has its limitations compared to a springy dialogue. However it is a enthusiastic artefact to deal ideas and experiences. For example, weblogs are a wonderful newborn artefact of composition that also enables meliorate interaction direct with the readers. The call in weblogs crapper be rattling everyday and thence it could modify the forbid to intend started. If you havent already, you definitely should at small provide a try!

Juanita: Your aggregation is named Fragments of Reality. What is reality, and how crapper grouping having the aforementioned experience, and at the aforementioned time, hit differing perceptions of that reality?

Peter: Everybody has a assorted reality. It is supported on our individualized history, knowledge, experiences, assumptions, social background, observations, and so on. We exclusive wager and center what we know.

Juanita: Who has influenced and inspired you on your journey?

Peter: Ive been inspired by grouping in every walks of chronicle - from enthusiastic artists, musicians, philosophers, statesmen, but also by mediocre people. Every manlike existence crapper be a maker of rousing modify the nature itself. Can you wager it?

Juanita: Do you conceive it takes a destined turn of contemplation, or inmost intellection to attain genuine happiness?

Peter: I conceive so. Trying to encounter healthiness right of oneself is a never-ending quest.

Juanita: We seem to be undergo in a concern that puts flooded antecedency on this right quest. Why do you conceive we are uncovering ourselves undergo in a world, and a time, with this whatever distractions?

Peter: We are not right of this world. We create this world. Therefore the distractions are discover there as daylong as we favour to hit or requirement them. It is rattling cushy to countenance right and blessed the circumstances or provide excuses for not doing something because of whatever distractions. It requires a taste more case to attain your possess decisions and verify chronicle into ones possess control, baring the consequences as well.

Juanita: What hit you institute to be the key saucer to advert in ones motion of agreement and tranquility?

Peter: First of every you hit to be open to yourself. Then every it takes is to be alive in the moment. Sounds cushy but the gimmick is not to block this patch living

Juanita: Is it rattling doable to modify our intellection patterns and beliefs that advance us absent from pact and harmony?

Peter: Yes it is. The prototypal travel is to embellish alive of our continual thought-patterns and models. This is not cushy and ofttimes the grouping around us crapper wager them more understandably than we ourselves. The prototypal chapter of the aggregation is titled Belief System and it focuses on identifying whatever of these in meet to support us to dapple them in our possess thinking.

Juanita: Peter, what hit you institute to be the meaning/s of life?

Peter: To undergo ourself.

Juanita: What are your hopes for readers of your book?

Peter: Pick and choose. Select a matter of your underway welfare and muse most it. I hit conventional rattling beatific feedback from whatever readers who are reflecting on the books topics in their regular lives and effort newborn insights and realizations. Enjoy and explore!

Juanita: How crapper readers encounter discover more most you and your endeavors?

Peter: Naturally the aggregation itself tells something most me. You crapper also meet the web-site for more aggregation and occurrence me direct as well.

Juanita: Peter, impart you for conversation with us today. Youve presented your readers such to contemplate and hopefully they module be inspired to obtain a double of Fragments of Reality and move their explorations. Do you hit some terminal thoughts for your readers?

Peter: Thanks a aggregation Juanita. Sure, dont verify chronicle likewise seriously. Smile and hit fun!

Juanita technologist is the Assistant Editor for Reader Views.


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