Fire Phone & Accessories

Friday, January 2, 2009

modeling portfolio webites

Modeling Portfolio WebitesWriten by John D Williamson

In the age of home phones and 8x10's we all wondered how anyone could ever afford to get into the modeling industry. Even after you invest a small fortune in professional training and other peripheral services, you still have to purchase all of the marketing materials to send to anyone with a mailing address.

Times are changing, and if you haven't noticed, the world of modeling is taking roots on the web. There are a number of powerful resources at your fingertips to help you find opportunities. The hard part is figuring out what service will help you get noticed or help you promote yourself professionally.

If you have been looking around the web you've noticed all of the standard agency websites promoting their models with a few static photos that the agency placed on their website -- 3 years ago!

The problem with the standard method of going through an agency just to get your photos online is that you don't have much control in the process. The alternative is to build your own portfolio website add photos and recent work experience. Unfortunately, it can be a daunting task to create portfolio website.

Fear not! There are tools out there to help you construct a personalized portfolio website that you can use to market yourself in a variety of ways through numerous channels. And what is this portfolio website tool? provides an easy to use portfolio website builder that you can construct in minutes. With the ability to customize 3 galleries and a cover shot, you have the room to upload 28 images and/or audio and video clips. Tell you story in the accompanying text sections.

Your portfolio website will be accessible through your personalized domain name. You can use it in all of your communications, postings on any other websites, and inside the VisionPortfolio Talent Directory. No more mailing expensive portraits. All of your portfolio pictures are accessible anytime on your own website.

If you want to market yourself more effectively you need to learn about the world of porfolio websites. Check out the free trial offers on to experience it for yourself.

John Williamson is a spokesperson and talent scout for


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