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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

digital wedding photography myth vs reality

Digital Wedding Photography: Myth Vs. RealityWriten by Juan Carlos Torres

1.Myth: Digital photos are pixilated or fuzzy.
Reality: most people that say that have never seen a photo produced by a professional grade digital camera. The quality of modern digital cameras is equal of greater than film cameras.

2.Myth: Digital photos don't last they will fade in a couple of years.
Reality: Only the photo capture part is digital. The printing is done using traditional photo paper on the same paper and chemistry used to print film photos. So, both will last the same.

3.Myth: Digital colors are muddy.
Reality: Only if they are produced with cheap, low quality cameras and/or the photographer doesn't know how to adjust them and process them for printing

4.Myth: Digital photos are dangerous; the photographer can lose your photos.

Reality: Nowadays most photos are stored using Flash Cards that is one of the most reliable forms of digital storage. After the wedding the photos are downloaded to the computer and additional backups are created on CD or DVD allowing several copies of the same event to reside on different locations. In the case that photos are accidentally deleted they can be recovered using software. With film there is only one copy. It is not uncommon for the photo labs to lose the film, damage it in the printing machine, process it in the wrong chemistry, scratch it, etc. Film also can be damaged in camera, be fogged, damaged by X-rays at the airport, suffer color changes due to heat or age etc.

5.Myth: Digital photos lack detail.
Reality: Only if they are produced with cheap, low quality cameras. It is not unusual for us to produce 30x40 inch prints from our professional grade cameras with stunning detail.

6.Myth: Digital is cheaper because there is no film.
Reality: Professional grade digital cameras and lens are very expensive. In addition the professional photographer has to invest on computer equipment and software to process the photos.

7.Myth: I got a digital camera that takes great photos now I can start a career as a wedding photographer.
Reality: Wedding photography requires that you have artistic talent and that you learn photography including composition, lighting, etc. A wedding is an uncontrolled event that requires technical and artistic skill. It is not the place to learn photography.

8.Myth: I don't have to take care when I take photos anymore I can fix it later in Photoshop or other photo-editing program.
Reality: Garbage in and garbage out. There is no fix for badly composed photos, out of focus, bad lighting, etc.

9.Myth: Digital photography is easy now I don't need a professional wedding photographer.
Reality: If you trust your wedding memories to somebody who doesn't have the professional skills you are likely to be sorry or disappointed.

10.Myth: I am afraid that the photographer will do weird effects.
Reality: the purpose of the editing software is to enhance the quality of the photos. It is not a license to create weird stuff. Talk to your photographer about your expectations.

11.Myth: Digital will never be better than or equal to film.
Reality: Digital cameras are equal or better than film in terms of resolution color fidelity etc. and far superior in low light situations. The film look can be easily emulated using digital imaging processing techniques.

12.Myth: I got a bigger fancier camera with more megapixels than your so my photos will be better than yours.
Reality: Unless you have the technical and artistic skill the camera that you use will have minimal impact on the quality of the photos that you produce. A great camera in the right hands will produce great results. Some of the greatest photos in history were produced using mechanical cameras.

Juan Carlos Torres is a very respected and awarded wedding photographer in Oregon.
He has a Masters Degree in Remote Sensing with a strong background in digital image processing and photography.
He is a member of the several professional photographer organizations including the Professional Photographers of America,
the Professional Photographers of Oregon, the Wedding Photojournalist Association, and the Oregon Wedding Photo Guild.
His wedding photographs are unique and very artistic and have been featured in national and international magazines.
For a sample of his works please visit portland oregon
wedding photographer and eugene oregon wedding photographer
For a discussion on wedding photography see our Blog at oregon wedding photographer


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