Fire Phone & Accessories

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

photography is easy

Photography Is EasyWriten by Eric Hartwell

I dont know anything about photography and I find it difficult to learn

This is a common misconception that photography is too complex to learn. It isnt, and dont let anyone tell you different.

Unfortunately, there is much complex jargon and techno-babble that can put off a number of people. But photography is simple and heres why:

-cameras are so advanced and easy to use that it is difficult not to get a good image in most average situations

-even basic and cheap cameras are capable of producing outstanding results

-although many cameras have a multitude of controls and functions, you can leave it on automatic mode and the camera will do all the work for you

-you dont need to know anything about digital imaging apart from the fact that it exists and that it is dead easy to take great images with the technology

-you dont need to know anything about computers, programing or software

-you dont need to print your own photos (although its easy) you can get them printed at your local photo store

So, cameras are pretty easy to get to grips with and most people will be able to take great photographs as soon as the camera is out of the box. But, if you want to learn more there are plenty of free resources available. Online there are numerous camera websites and discussion forums plastered with learning tips, tutorials and good old friendly help and advice. There are also numerous books and articles of software that you can purchase if you need to.

Give it a try.

Eric Hartwell runs the photography resource site and the associated discussion forums as well as the regular weblog at


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